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About US

Founded in 2004 in Issaquah, Washington, the Asian American Affairs Association (AAAA) advocates for the rights of Asian-Americans through a range of activities. Its earliest focus was employment discrimination: the AAAA offered legal aid and counseling to Asian-Americans experiencing racial prejudice in their workplaces. Our mission has since broadened to encouraging Asian-Americans to pursue their legal rights in other areas where their civil rights may be violated, from housing to education, immigration to voting rights. Currently, the AAAA offers the following services:
Resource hotline: A toll-free hotline providing resources available to Asian-Americans seeking assistance with discrimination claims. This assistance can range from referrals to private attorneys to directing individuals to government agencies, non-profit organizations, or other sources of assistance.
Cultural awareness training: To inform the Asian-American community of its civil rights, the AAAA has undertaken a variety of cultural awareness programs.
Community education outreach packages: Material offering guidance on ways for Asian-Americans to combat discrimination available to the public.
Speakers program: Speakers can be provided to address specific areas of race-related discrimination.
American workplace norms workshops for foreign-born Asian-American business owners: Because immigrant entrepreneurs and small business owners may be unaware of American laws and norms governing the treatment of employees, the AAAA provides educational workshops explaining standard American workplace norms and legal protections afforded employees by American law.
Publishing and media program: Publication and distribution of articles, opinion pieces, books, and other media providing the Asian-American perspective.
The Asian American Affairs Association (AAAA) was incorporated on May 4, 2004, under the Washington Nonprofit Corporation Act, Chapter 24.03 of the Revised Code of Washington. Internal Revenue Code: 501(c)(3) grants the tax-exempt status).